Couples Therapy

Our relationship with our partner can be one of the deepest connections that we have and has the capacity to influence our life in a major way. Relationship where both partners feel aligned, connected and heard can  create a sense of safety and bring joy to our life. Relationships where one or both partners feel disconnected, undervalued or unheard can be a source of stress and can trigger big feelings from our childhood and upbringing.  Our time together will create a safe space to focus on skill building, connection, and strengthen that bond between both partners.

What are some common reasons couples seek therapy together?

• Misalignment in values or goals

• Feeling emotionally distant or disconnected

• Communication challenges

• Repetition of the same arguments over and over with no resolution

• Feeling not heard or unseen in their partnership

• Family planning or marriage preparation

• Betrayal, trust issues or infidelity

• Attachment injuries leading to feelings of dependence or abandonment

• Sexual intimacy concerns

• Addiction (alcohol, drugs, porn, etc.)

• Difference in financial priorities or goals